ICAO Alphabet

Da ich immer selbst manche Buchstaben vergesse, hier zur Erinnerung die Hilfe für das richtige Buchstabieren des ICAO Alphabets:

A: Alfa
B: Bravo
C: Charlie
D: Delta
E: Echo
F: Foxtrott
G: Golf
H: Hotel
I: India
J: Juliett
K: Kilo
L: Lima
M: Mike
N: November
O: Oscar
P: Papa
Q: Quebec
R: Romeo
S: Sierra
T: Tango
U: Uniform
V: Victor
W: Whiskey
X: X-ray
Y: Yankee
Z: Zulu

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Ein Gedanke zu „ICAO Alphabet

  1. With modern corputems, or even paper systems the tail numbers would be sufficient world wide. They simply can not be entered into a base 10 system like the mode C transponder. IOW each digit and only be 0-9 (IE a 10 digit code) although valid numbers are less than that. OTOH as far as electronic systems go the represented character could be any alphanumeric character which can also be alphabetized. Early corputems would have had some problems handling both Cyrillic and the English Characters. Some system conventions have become a bit strange with no real standardization. Virtually all science uses the metric system, but many European systems use a comma for a decimal.Why? I don’t know.Mode S as it’s presently implemented and next gen equipment (GPS) can know the position of the aircraft to a relatively high precision. Good enough that aircraft could easily negotiate anti collision maneuvers between more than just a couple of planes. However I still see no real, or valid need for using other than the tail number. Watching your clearance come up on a little screen is sorta handy too, particularly when you are intercepting the ILS and ATC comes on with further clearance sounding like an auctioneer. You have to write it down while bouncing around, trying to follow the ILS AND read back the clearance. IOW, write and read in a bumpy flight while trying to fly a precision course. Now we can just hope that they finally get smart and tell LightSquared to take a hike.

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